Near the end of 2014, I really took to a reminder from a friend that each of us is royalty, and we're created to be of royal descent. Short of the clever hashtags, #MakeItReign and #YourRoyalHighness, I could not readily explain my attraction to the thought. Little did I know God had been working behind the scenes training and developing this Queen.
Now that I have learned and am embracing my "Queendom", what's next? What is to come of it? Well, God is steady releasing bits and pieces, revealing what He'd have me to share. The way He has set me up with strategically placed individuals and circumstances blows my mind! When He makes it plain, how can I not obey? With my obedience comes this first step... the blog. I started a blog a couple of years ago, but let it die. I attempted to write anonymously. While I knew there were things God wanted me to share, I allowed my own will to overshadow His. My will should have never been in the picture to begin with. This time, I am going to get it right!
The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy; but Jesus came that we would have life and life more abundantly. (John Ten Ten). One of the ways satan steals and destroys is through belittling us via our thoughts and the actions of others, forcing us to forget WHO we are in Christ! The goal of this blog is to share as God leads me with readers, speaking to the Royalty within you. Not only are you a King or Queen, but it is our royal assignment to share the King of kings and Prince of Peace with others. This does not mean we have to wave the sword of the Spirit in the face of every person we deem to be a court jester. Rather, our lives should exhibit and demonstrate a regal standard that piques the interest of others not yet enjoying the benefits of such nobility.
Hopefully, there's something here that will bless you. Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Stick around... Reach out, comment, and share with others.
...In His Majesty's Name.
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