Last night, in my prayers I asked God to give me a wake up call. What I was kinda hoping for was really just a tap on the shoulder reminding me to hit the market for a few forgotten items necessary for today's detox. What I "meant" was: "Jesus, don't let me hit snooze three times." I'm somewhat of an early riser... But can get comfortable with a little sleeping in - especially if I'm not mindful of my bedtime. Knowing that I needed to do a few extra things, I even chuckled to myself when my prayer came out as "wake up call." I wasn't sure why I chose those words, but surely didn't expect what I got! What'd I get? Just what I asked for! The wake up call...
To some, the way my phone is set up is complicated. To me, it takes the complications out of having a phone and being reachable. To-mae-to, ta-mah-to. When dialing my (virtual) number, it rings both my cell and my landline. This is helpful since usually my cell is on silent anyways. Very few have my actual cell or home number...
That said, I've recently been #delivert - my devices (cell and iPad) no longer sleep in the bed with me. In fact, they're not even next to me! I have to get out of bed to grab them, and turn off the alarms. My house phone does "sleep" close by in case of an emergency.
What rings at 5:17 A.M.?! My CELL phone - across the room! And, it says "UNKNOWN"! I jumped up to grab it (surprisingly not frantic or alarmed), however the call had ended before I could answer. Could it have been someone I know? Yes. Was it Jesus? Absolutely! As soon as I realized the call was gone, I was reminded about my prayer last night for the wake up call. Tempted to jump in the bed and set a later alarm, I decided to get up and hit the market for my items. Driving there, I asked God what was He saying.
He answered with these three quick things:
1) I Am hearing your prayers.
2) I Am answering your prayers.
3) I Am giving you what you've asked for.
With amazement I am grateful that He hears, He is answering and He is providing. With humility and His wisdom, I am mindful of what I ask for... and making it plain. (Habakkuk Two, Two and Three)
I felt led to share... God hears you. He's answering you. And, for some... He's giving you what you've asked for! Wake up! Do you not see it?? (Isaiah Forty Three, Nineteen) Have a fabulously blessed day!
...In His Majesty's Name
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